Starting Point | Session 3
Prayer and Staying Connected to God
Prayer is our way of communicating with God. You can talk to him at any time, in any place. In Session 3 of Starting Point, you will learn more about why we pray, how to pray, and why it’s important to pray consistently on your journey of faith. Let’s jump into it together!
Download Outline
Download the outline to follow along with the teaching in this session and make your own notes.
Reflection Questions
These questions exist to help you reflect on the video session that you just watched.
What are your experiences with prayer? Childhood? Present? Positive? Negative? Are you inclined towards prayer? Unsure?
How are you more inclined to pray out loud, in your heart or in writing?
What are your lingering doubts/questions about prayer?
What was your greatest answer to a prayer you have ever received?
It All Starts Here
Starting Point exists to teach the basics of our faith through a series of video sessions that you can watch at your own pace. You can expect to be emailed a new video session every seven days for the next four weeks. In these sessions, we'll cover big questions like how can I trust the Bible, what is worship, why should I pray, and more. View session one today by clicking the button above or below.
Have questions? We have answers! Send us an email with your questions by clicking the button below and a member of our staff will be in touch shortly.