Upcoming in Canvas Students


YTH WKND is a jam-packed conference for middle and high school students. This weekend will have four sermons, three small group sessions, two breakouts, a block party, a late-night activity, tons of games, and incredible worship sets—all into a 42-hour weekend.

For more information, contact Student Pastor AJ McManaman at aj@canvasfl.com.

Sign up for YTH WKND →



6th-8th Grade

Our middle school students meet on Sunday mornings during all of our Sunday morning experiences and weekly on Wednesday in our Student Room. During this time, students will build community with others while learning about Jesus on their level and having a ton of fun in the process!


9th-12th grade

Our high school community exists to create an engaging experience where students will encounter Jesus with plenty of fun too! Our high school students meet on Sunday nights in our Student Room at 6PM. These nights include live worship, a special message, small groups, and more.

Student Camps

Every summer and winter break, Canvas Students attend student camps to build a deeper relationship with God while growing in their friendship with other students. At these camps, you can expect powerful worship experiences, special messages, and activities for everyone!


If you're in middle school or high school, we have a place for you! Middle School students meet every Sunday during all of our Sunday morning experiences in our Student Room. Our high school students meet on Sunday nights in our Student Room at 6PM. Check our calendar for all our upcoming events!

See you at Canvas Stdnts!

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